Nov 14, 2008

A Chart to Study

Dear Whoever the Fuck you Are,

I am appalled that such retards like Kenneth Sim have not been taken down and their reproductive organs tasered until ther no longer have any functionality, and so I therefore propose a new agenda for the law of reproduction, which should be meted out just like the law of euthanasia.

This is just a general guideline.

Nov 9, 2008

A letter to the Reader

Dear anyone who has found interest in what I've done,

It is with great indecision and slight regret that I shall no longer bring a drawing file filled with pictures that may or may not be misinterpreted by people with slightly mentally corrupt minds, while I still will continue to do them, of little furry animals, mostly based off wolves and the sort, which I adore, much to the point where people accuse me of having an unusually close affinity. But I assure you, I get turned on normally, just like anybody else. But while I might show some preferential treatment to wolves, kitsunes and their close relatives, it has been brought to my attention that not everyone shares my (anti)divine and incorruptible views on life. Therefore, this letter shall address some issues that have been brought up with me.

Firstly, about my drawings/collection. They aren't all that bad unless you have a very sadistic, biased and pessimistic views about life, and if you compare drawing some suggestive yet child-friendly pictures to gossiping and dry-humping your male friends, it can't really be good to say who is worse. There is clearly nothing wrong after having been in the handling of several teachers including but not exclusive to Mrs. Koh, Mr. Seet, Mr. Low...

Secondly, about the stories. True, I am guilty, however it is up to your discretion to read them or not, whereas I include warnings as to their content, Perhaps I can excuse the people who call me a sicko as that may be true, but I assure you people who have not read them "should" in theory not know what the illicit interpretation of ginger is and so on and so forth.

Finally, I do not want to be known as an artist with any potential in school. I like to keep my lives seperate, and it's true. I rarely go OOC in any of my games, and I can keep relatively quiet unless I have the urge to scream at noobs or people kping me. And it wouldn't be prudent to be known as an artist when I can't change the subject matter without failing horribly, lest they accuse me of not putting in 100%.

As a closing statement, I advise some of you to get a life, and if I fucking hear any of you use the term poke- again then I shall hesitate not to have a little "accident" arranged for you involving your face into some smouldering charcoal or I shall not let you in at all.

Yours Sincerely,

This was gotten from another website. I know what you're thinking.

Nov 8, 2008

A gender Analyzer
I accidentally found this ebsite that tells you which gender writes a certain blog. And it really works too, considering that it only analyses the words. However, it does have a certain tendency to give mixed results.And I tried it on several blogs and it gave rather accurate results. Well, except for Yon Lu and Chan Chan. Their blogs are written by females. Lol.

Nov 5, 2008


Woots. I was watching this over and over again, trying to put names to all the characters. I failed. I still have some uploads of some of them, though. And the love, a story, thing is just touching. And yes that includes the more obscure ones like nod-flareon.

Nov 4, 2008

A Song in My Head

It won't get lost. I've been hearing this song for so damn long that it's burning my ears. I don't know why it's so addictive urrgh...