Jul 29, 2008


Anyone who has read Machination will find that the story has an unsatisfactory ending...
Well, this is a sequel, and once again it has an unsatifactory ending.
The Viriati
The silver-furred majestic creature stared out into the void. He was floating into the nothingness of space. Around him were several planets, one of those being a planet his people called Paradise. It was his next choice, a home away from the violence and the destruction of his kind on his planet. The Viriati, as the other sentient race called themselves, sought to rid the planet of his race once they found out how truly powerful they were. The Viriati were incredibly jealous of this power, and sought their vengeance through their modern science and natural attunement to magic. They would want nothing more than the powers he and his kind shared. So they cursed his race, causing them to only be able to communicate through their own names and telekinesis, as well as a few other methods they would soon develop on their own.

The creature arrived to the spot on a moon of a deep blue and green planet. His eyes, and the green spots on his face, began to glow. He looked onto the planet, and thought it was devoid of life, other than one race on the entire planet. He saw that it was exactly what he was looking for. He took a deep breath in, and sighed. He then took a second look onto the planet. This was going to be difficult. Not only had the evolution of the planet just started, he noticed that the species turned out to have great potential. He had hoped that they could coexist; unlike what they were able to do with the Viriati. He then made his decision: Paradise was exactly what he was looking for.

He bounded off of the moon, and gracefully entered the atmosphere of the planet. It was absolutely perfect for life. He altered his lungs that could use the oxygen around him, instead of the hydrogen of space, to energize his blood. He found a cave, and decided to start his work there. He took another deep breath, this time one of oxygen and musk from the damp cave. He noticed feelings he had never experienced before; a touch of nervousness, and a bit of happiness from finding Paradise so far away from what he once called home.

He then observed the inhabitants of Paradise. He noticed that the creatures of this planet not only needed oxygen, but needed water and other nutrients found in the foods they ate to survive. So, to create his first children, he would have to bind them to powers that determined the universe. His golden arms stretched out from the ring on his back, and began to glow. He started carving drawings into the cave walls, and found it necessary to add subtle details underneath each of the species, written out in his own language. His arms then stretched outside the cave, and began gathering random material. The arms came back, filled with the precious substances he could start his children’s life with. He created a mound of dirt, and shot his arms filled with life-giving nutrients into it. Then, a bright flash of light blinded the whole planet, and his first children were born.

His children gasped their first breaths. They looked around, and were experiencing their own thoughts. The creature smiled, and began to talk to them.

“Children of my flesh and blood, I have found a new home. I have created you not only to protect parts of this planet, but also parts of reality. I will bind you to one of my many elements, as well as give you a very special job. These jobs will be to protect not only the position I give you, but to protect the other inhabitants of this planet as well.”

He then turned to the three of his largest children, all of which had incredibly powerful statures. One was a blue, four legged creature, another one had silvery plates covering its entire body. The final one had a gray body and a golden head, with six feet and an incredibly long neck. “My children, you will be given important positions due to your incredible power. I need you to protect things that are not bound only to this planet, but to the entire universe we live in. These Laws of the Universe are very special, and must be taken care of with great delicacy,” he explained to them. To the blue one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Dialga. You shall be the protectorate of time, guarding it from tampering and preventing the catastrophe of paradox. I shall bind you to my essences of dragon and steel.” To the silver, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Palkia. You shall be the protector of space, protecting this dimension and preventing tears to alternate universes. I shall bind you to my essences of water and dragon.” To the gray one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Giratina. You will be the guardian of the dead, watching over my children of the ghost and the spirits of the inhabitants of this world, ensuring no harm will come to their spirit, and directing them to the afterlife. I shall bind you to my essences of dragon and ghost.”

He then turned to another three of his children, whom were arguing amongst themselves. “My children, you will be given the positions of becoming the guardians of this earth. Because of the nature of these positions, you must not fight amongst yourselves, and you must prevent invaders from the outside to ruin our beloved Paradise. As well, you must prevent our beloved Paradise from collapsing in upon itself for any reason,” he explained to them. To the dark blue manta-like one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Kyogre. You shall become the guardian of the waters of this planet, protecting the waters and the creatures that live on it. I shall bind you to my essence of water.” To the red dinosaur-like one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Groudon, protector of the land, and guardian of the earth. You shall protect the inhabitants of the land, and also protect it from any harm that may come to it. I shall bind you to my essence of the earth.” And, to the long green dragon, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Rayquaza, guardian of this planet and its skies. If any one of my children should fight amongst each other, you will intervene, and quell their anger. You must, as well, protect anything and everything on this planet from harm or destruction. Because of the importance of your job, I shall bind you to my essences of dragon and flight.”

He then turned to two of his children, a green one with antennae, and a light blue and yellow one with a star-shape on his head. “My children, your powers are great, but the jobs you shall hold shall be very loose and may be done as you see fit. You must promise me, though, that you would not do anything that I myself would not approve of,” he explained to them. To the green one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Celebi, guardian of the forests and the plants. Because of the nature of your job, you shall be looked over by Dialga and share a fraction of his power, so that you may travel through time to protect the plant life of this planet. You will be bound to my essences of plant and psychic.” To the blue one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Jirachi, guardian of fortune. I shall give you the power of the stars, as well as the ability to grant any wish or desire to my children and the inhabitants of this planet. I shall bind you to my essences of steel and psychic.”

He then turned to three of his children, who were small and looked similar to one another, and only stood out due to different colored markings on each of them. “My children, the inhabitants of this planet need to become like us, to understand what life really is. I want you to give them your gifts, as well as protect my three children whom are guarding the Laws of the Universe. Because of this, you may stay wherever you wish,” he explained to them. To the one with the yellowish colorings, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Uxie, the Being of Knowledge. I shall give you the power to give and take knowledge and wisdom to the inhabitants of this planet, as well as the position to protect the knowledge of all beings. Because of this, you shall be bound to my essence of psychic.” To the one with reddish colorings, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Mespirit, the Being of Emotion. I shall give you the ability to teach the inhabitants of this planet emotions as well as empathy for others. Because of this, the inhabitants will be able to understand us on a certain level, and may be able to create relationships with us. I shall bind you to my essence of psychic.” To the one with bluish colorings, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Azelf, the Being of Willpower. The inhabitants of this planet cannot stand up for themselves. I want you to teach them how to fight for themselves, as well as protect the weaker ones whom cannot. I shall bind you to my essence of psychic.”

He then turned to two of his children, who looked like complete opposites. “My children, these inhabitants cannot sleep well. I want you to give them visions, memories, or even ideas as they sleep. I want you to reside over these jobs, and give these experiences to both my children and the inhabitants of this world.” To the pink, birdlike one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Cresselia, the Watcher from the Full moon. You shall give good visions, otherwise called dreams, to everyone of this world. I want you to protect them and make sure they are safe in their sleep. I shall bind you to my essence of Psychic.” To the dark, foreboding one, he announced, “You, my child, shall be called Darkrai, Eternal Overseer of the New moon. I will have you not only preside over nightmares, but also protect the dream realm from harm. Because of this, you may work with Cresselia to the best of your ability. I shall bind you to my essence of darkness.”

He then created 16 plates, and sealed an essence of his into each of them. Suddenly, a bright light flashed from each of the plates, enveloping his children. The power he had just given to his children was immense, and drained a lot of his own energy. There was only one thing left for him to do, and he decided he could no longer stay with them.

“I am sorry, my children, but I must leave. Once I have sealed the fate of the inhabitants of this planet to ours, I shall go to the nearby mountain and rest. I will create an instrument called the Heaven’s Pipe, which will create a doorway into my resting place for the inhabitants of this world to contact me.”

His children began to weep, for they had just met their father, and there was a chance they could never see him again. They did not want him to go; they had so many questions they wanted to ask of him. The one named Jirachi was the only one to step forward to ask.

“Father, we will not forget of what you have done for us. You gave us each a great power and gave us all names to set us apart, but we desperately want to know what we should call you.”

He beamed at his child, and responded, “Since you are curious, I shall let you know my name. It is Arceus. I have come to this planet seeking salvation from a world far away where our kind is not wanted. To prevent my loneliness, I have created all of you, and I have given you all the ability to contact me. If you need me, just call me, and I will come to you. Do not weep, for I shall return to this world once I am well again. I love you all, my children, and I am sorry I have to leave on such a sad note. But I must go rest and regain my power…I fear that we may not be safe just yet.”

There was another flash, and the Heaven’s Pipe rested by Jirachi’s feet. And with that, Arceus left, the very essence of grace and beauty that his children had felt they had known before they were even created. With a bound, Arceus flew towards the mountain.

Arceus had gone some way, but for some reason, he decided to stop. He could hear what sounded like crying. Although he was surprised that Mespirit had already begun his work just a few short moments after he had left, he decided it was his responsibility to find out what was wrong. He looked down, and saw a small girl from the planet huddled in the trees. She was young, and was quivering uncontrollably. He was deeply moved inside, and he could not stand to have his neighbors so upset already. He landed a few feet away from her, and walked over towards her. He lay down and craned his long neck down to bring his head to her level.

“Little one, why are you crying?” he asked her.

She looked up, alarmed. Fear shone upon her face, and her whole being turned from sadness to absolute fear. But when she laid her eyes on his divine presence, sadness returned to her face. She then leapt up, wrapped her arms around him, and began to bawl.

“I…Please…I don’t know what’s happening to me…One second I was in the darkness, and then…This flash of light covered over me, and now…Now I’m so lonely, I don’t know why…Please, help me…”

Arceus felt pity for the poor girl. Mespirit, who had given her emotions, had given her complete emotion, including the pain and fear of loneliness. Now she was alone in this world, with no other life but the trees around her. Arceus knew that he couldn’t let her stay alone. He had a little bit of material left from making his children. He then made a decision he knew could eventually be fatal to not only him but to his children as well…

“Do not cry, for I have the solution to your problem,” he told her. He then gathered up a mound of dirt and leaves. The girl watched on, no longer crying, and was curious as to what he was doing. She watched as he then inserted his golden arms into the mound, and a great light flashed. The girl screamed, and shut her eyes. When she opened them, he was standing next to a strange, pink, bubbly floating creature.

“Young one, I have created the perfect partner for your kind. I call them…Pokemon. You shall take care of them, and they in return will take care of you. You shall no longer be lonely; instead, you may call on her whenever you wish. But I must warn you…If you neglect to take care of them, I am certain they will only return you sadness and a miserable outcome.

The girl’s eyes widened, and she hugged the Pokemon, who in turn made a cry that sounded like a “myu.” She then looked at Arceus, and then back at her new friend, who was already cuddling with her new partner.

“Oh kind and beautiful one…is she really mine? Can I really keep her? If that is the case, I can not thank you enough, but I wish to return the favor somehow…” she asked of him.

Arceus could only look back and smile. “Young one, I am not from this place. I have come here seeking refuge from a place that I was not welcome. But I have also come to this place without your people’s permission. Because of that, I give you the gift of these Pokemon so that they may be your partners. I gave them to you so that they may one day create a world of eternal peace, where everyone is welcome. I only wish you luck in your life. And as far as returning the favor…I owed your people. And now, I believe we are about even, except for one more detail that is bothering me.”

Arceus then crafted many strange slates of stone. He carved pictures and words into them in his own language, but he felt that it was necessary. He then told the girl, “Please take these, and put them somewhere safe. When the time comes, your people may have a use for them and can then easily befriend my children, the Pokemon. They will only aid in my dream that our kinds can someday live together in complete harmony.” With that, Arceus left for his mountain temple, where he then fell into a deep slumber.

Everything then faded to white, and the voice of Arceus spoke out. “And now, Devan, your story is just beginning…”

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