Dec 29, 2008

Satisfaction at the 17 thousand mark

I just visited Machinations yesterday. It has hit the 17k mark for readers. Wow.

Dec 26, 2008

2008 in Review

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Dec 25, 2008

World of Warcraft

My account died. My uncle got bored and stopped paying for my WoW account. What to do? Get a free account! Just download the 2 GB expansion for Lich King, then play on a seperate server. Anyone interested to play, just tell me in school. The server has been down recently, though.

Anyway, I'm severely jet-lagged from my vacation. Flew a 12 hour flight to Switzerland, but counting the time-zone thing (fuck geog)it's more like 20 hours. In Switzerland, I sent a postcard back home. It was snowing, and -7C, and I really shouldn't have brought pants there. Paris was warmer, though.

Lost my ski mask, tired, no fucking keyboard to type with other than an AZERTY keyboard, no gaming, generally a very fun experience.

The McDonalds at Paris is fucking pro.
The actual order:
One Big Tasty Meal, fries, with evian water.
2 Big Mac Meals, fries, coke
One chicken wrap
One salad.

What we received:
3 big tasty meals, potato wedges, 3 coke.
One chicken wrap
No salad.
One Filet-O-Fish(wtf?)

What we paid for:
Nadda. The cashier forgot.

So...yeah. That was a waste of 2 weeks.

Dec 12, 2008


Anyone knows a cure for obsession? I need help. No seriously. Anyway, in two days, my uncle will rip my soul from my body. I can't play Okami anymore because he wants the Wii back. Blech. I keep staring at it... it tempts me to play again, but if I can't finish in 48 hours before my flight to Switzerland, I'm fucked. At last count it took me... 62 hours to clear, but then again, I don't need to find every single secret again so... i'm just gonna post a picture now, like I always do.

ehh... wrong picture. That's not Okami.

This is...

I'm really spending too much buying this stuff. I bought the official illustration collection as well, and the super smash bros soundtrack, and the okami soundtrack, nearly a thousand songs in my ipod nano now.

Now...I'm just going to say goodbye for two weeks. But if anyone wants free Diablo 2, just ask. I bought it yesterday in case i ever want to play Diablo 3

Dec 8, 2008


Back from my NaNoWriMoing Hiatus, made 65 thousand. It was much harder than I thought. Anyway, look out for the paperback! Not coming anytime soon, though.

I recently went for the TGIO party for NaNoWriMo, or otherwise, Thank Goodness It's Over Party. It was quite fun there, really. Well, except for the reading of excerpts. My excerpt sounded something like... I dunno... maybe involving a girl looking somewhat like this...

And a lot of /. Yes, the term is /.

Then a lot of award givings. I won the most Annoying poster award for causing the forum to be furnaced. What's furnaced? Furnace is to delete. Yes, my signature did it.

And I still haven't given up on pokemon yet. That's reserved for next year, where 100k and beyond is more possible. My story slipped slightly out of pokemon, and subtly into wolves. Basically, use an absol, take off the horn, and voila, an arctic wolf.

Don't FUCKING ask why that's my MSN dp.

Onto gaming, I haven't even been online. Man. I spent so much time on Okami. Yes, spent 1 hour stoning in a jump that's FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. Perhaps you should not ask people to jump from a ledge to something DIRECTLY BELOW IT, when any miss means you FALL TO YOUR FUCKING DEATH.

However, there's a simple and yet idiotic reason. That was the last thing seperating me from 10x damage, invulnerability, inkfinity(no typo, means unlimited ink to use) and a whole lot of crap like max money. Which I can now use to learn the brown fury attack.

There are two learnable attacks in Okami, the rest are more or less already available( seeing as I completed the game 3 times)
Golden Rage Attack: For 1000000 yes, allow you to piss on your opponents for damage and money. Problem is, maxing out a perfect battle gives you 2000 yen so...

Brown Fury Attack: Use your head, jackass. 100 times more yen to buy this attack so... CRAP YOU CAPCOM!!!


Nov 14, 2008

A Chart to Study

Dear Whoever the Fuck you Are,

I am appalled that such retards like Kenneth Sim have not been taken down and their reproductive organs tasered until ther no longer have any functionality, and so I therefore propose a new agenda for the law of reproduction, which should be meted out just like the law of euthanasia.

This is just a general guideline.

Nov 9, 2008

A letter to the Reader

Dear anyone who has found interest in what I've done,

It is with great indecision and slight regret that I shall no longer bring a drawing file filled with pictures that may or may not be misinterpreted by people with slightly mentally corrupt minds, while I still will continue to do them, of little furry animals, mostly based off wolves and the sort, which I adore, much to the point where people accuse me of having an unusually close affinity. But I assure you, I get turned on normally, just like anybody else. But while I might show some preferential treatment to wolves, kitsunes and their close relatives, it has been brought to my attention that not everyone shares my (anti)divine and incorruptible views on life. Therefore, this letter shall address some issues that have been brought up with me.

Firstly, about my drawings/collection. They aren't all that bad unless you have a very sadistic, biased and pessimistic views about life, and if you compare drawing some suggestive yet child-friendly pictures to gossiping and dry-humping your male friends, it can't really be good to say who is worse. There is clearly nothing wrong after having been in the handling of several teachers including but not exclusive to Mrs. Koh, Mr. Seet, Mr. Low...

Secondly, about the stories. True, I am guilty, however it is up to your discretion to read them or not, whereas I include warnings as to their content, Perhaps I can excuse the people who call me a sicko as that may be true, but I assure you people who have not read them "should" in theory not know what the illicit interpretation of ginger is and so on and so forth.

Finally, I do not want to be known as an artist with any potential in school. I like to keep my lives seperate, and it's true. I rarely go OOC in any of my games, and I can keep relatively quiet unless I have the urge to scream at noobs or people kping me. And it wouldn't be prudent to be known as an artist when I can't change the subject matter without failing horribly, lest they accuse me of not putting in 100%.

As a closing statement, I advise some of you to get a life, and if I fucking hear any of you use the term poke- again then I shall hesitate not to have a little "accident" arranged for you involving your face into some smouldering charcoal or I shall not let you in at all.

Yours Sincerely,

This was gotten from another website. I know what you're thinking.

Nov 8, 2008

A gender Analyzer
I accidentally found this ebsite that tells you which gender writes a certain blog. And it really works too, considering that it only analyses the words. However, it does have a certain tendency to give mixed results.And I tried it on several blogs and it gave rather accurate results. Well, except for Yon Lu and Chan Chan. Their blogs are written by females. Lol.

Nov 5, 2008


Woots. I was watching this over and over again, trying to put names to all the characters. I failed. I still have some uploads of some of them, though. And the love, a story, thing is just touching. And yes that includes the more obscure ones like nod-flareon.

Nov 4, 2008

A Song in My Head

It won't get lost. I've been hearing this song for so damn long that it's burning my ears. I don't know why it's so addictive urrgh...

Oct 27, 2008

One final salute to my KoL character...

So many memories...of this game. I started in P6, hardly a good time. Played it til I was freakin powerful. Became a clan master and finished my Brimstone outfit and my stainless steel as well as my plexiglass outfits. Collected all the tattoos still possible and amassed 30 billion in meat. (The currency) After two years of playing I have given up on the final trophy which has eluded me. The lv 30 pastamancer trophy. I even set a record for the retard who ate the most amount of Knob-ka-bobs and gloomy black mushrooms in a lifetime. Got 11 Mr.Accessories, changed 10 into a golden one. Completed the familiars collection until now, except 1. (WHERE THE FCUK ARE YOU DAMN EMO SQUID) People sent me farewell gifts, it was so touching. And the smile of Mr. Accessory will forever touch my face. Now, I've moved on.

And that last trophy will forever elude me.
By 48 mysticality...

Note the character is female because I also set the record for the most sex change operations in the game, 149. I'm not too sure if it's been broken.

Adobe CS4 and TF2 in World of Warcraft

Yeah you got that right. I have Adobe CS4 Master Collection from the Pre-order. Paid a goodly deal for it. I have the pictures to show as well.
Here they are... :)

On to more incessant things. I finally smoothened out my NaNoWriMo storyline for the fun of it. It completely contains no:
cussing (except for the word bitch in the rape I mean ravishing scene)
age advisory material (once again pretend the ravishing scene does not exist... and death doesn't really count)
pokemon (a very first for me)

However, there is...
A lot of mating (with very lacklustre descriptions)
Main character Kiyasai dies a lot
Amaterasu is totally lifted from somewhere else

Generally, very boring. I'll post it up at the end of the month, I expect the quality to be very poor.

Now on to the TF2 thing. It stands for TEAM FORTRESS not FURTRESS (yeah man) I can't fathom where the hell I saw this a while ago...but it surfaced to my mind and I thought I'd be so kind as to share it.

Imagine three TF2 characters from the blue team finding themselves in Azeroth in the WoW server. A spy, a medic, and a heavy.
The spy walks over to a man, and they have a conversation.
"Dude where are we?"
"Can't you see I'm talking to my friends? Chatting?"
"Aren't you afraid of getting type-fragged?"
"What's that?"
* Spy smiles in glory with divine chorus sounding and finishes off half the server with his knife. *

The medic walks over to a dwarf who's mining at a rock.
"What're you doing?"
"I'm making money by mining. Real world, real economy. I can sell this to people who need it more."
"You mean you can make money without killing?"
* Medic smiles in glory with divine chorus sounding and starts to cut wood with his saw. *

The heavy joins a guild.
"When do I get to kill something?"
"Oh no're far too weak to raid with us don't even have the proper gear yet..."
"Shut up." Heavy shotguns the blood elf priest. "That was fun."

The three meet together in the arena.
"This isn't a very fun place. Wait...what are those numbers on the interface screen?"
Duel begins.
The spy changed into a red demo and walks over.
"Hey...I'm a perfectly sound red demoman...and I'm on your side." The three opponents kill him. "My...disguise...was...flawless..."
The heavy charges in and kills them all with the minigun.
"I knew that we must be good at something..."

The end.