Sep 13, 2008

Life Lessons

My file... T.T I went back to TNS for the MidAutumn festival yesterday. There was some gay singing competition, and the people all 'zhaoxia'. I didn't stay to hear the teachers, though. I met 丘老师 and Ms. Ang there. Actually I tried to stay away from Mrs. Chiam, but she saw me with my gleaming white uniform. Serious. My file tio sad...

Chiam:"Hey Clarence? Why are you wearing school uniform here? Why you never wear home clothes?"
Kitsune:"That's cause I can't be bothered." Then I changed my mind. "No lar I chiong from school mah." (Places blue file down on table)I should have known better.
Chiam:"Oh..." (Notices file) "I hope that's not some kind of project or portfolio that you need to hand in. Like the one you handed to me a week late..."
Kitsune:(Reaches for file)"Eh? Where's it gone...oh my fuc-" (Notices Claire taking it.)"Gaaah!"
Chiam: "Why? Got love letter inside?"
Kitsune:(Stares at her with a steely gaze and runs after Claire) "Oh my god..."
Claire:"Kakashi-sensei~~~" (Opens file)
Kitsune:(Makes it in time) "丘老师不要...不要...读到后面..."
丘老师:"后面一定有鬼的." (Grabs file and sees the first picture, which is the one I posted here in this post) "画得还蛮不错的吗...YAOI! 你以为我不懂那两只狗再说什么吗?"
Kitsune:(Sweating furiously) (Gets punched by Claire)(丘老师 hits me with table tennis bat.)
Claire:"You spoiled a kid's dream! Pokemon is supposed to be uncorruptible!"
Yeah that's when she broke my file. By hitting me with it. Damn. Anyway, help me spread the word about this please...this cute picture must be popularised...

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