Oct 20, 2008

He/She drank a cup of coffee.

Holy bored.
Humming a simple tune, Kiaace (Pronounced ki-YA-sai but I don’t mind kia-ace) slowly stepped out of the steaming hot shower. Shaking the still slightly warm water off my body, I grabbed a tower from a nearby rack and wrapped my body with it, drying it. I sighed as I suddenly heard a noise that sounded like keys. Smiling in hope, I wrapped the towel around his lower body, and trudged out happily to the main room, hoping to see my brother there.
However, I was denied my reunion when the person standing there was not my brother, but rather a stranger. Standing there in horror, I backed slowly against a wall. “What do you want?”
“Don’t be scared...I am a...friend of your brother.” The mysterious stranger said gently. I took a closer look at his body, and noticed his quirky clothing. He wore a large hood over his head, masking his eyes. The hood slid over and ended in a long syndira blue cloak that almost touched the floor. He wore navy blue leather gloves embedded with sapphires, while his torso was covered with what could only be said as a cuirass. It was also a light blue in color, and was a one piece suit that looked like it was made out of leather. It wore down to his shoes, and a simple kilt covered his legs until the thighs. He held an ornate staff. Funny though...his nose looked slightly like a jackal’s.
“Oh...well...do you want to come in, it’s only right...” I replied, trying to keep a straight face. The stranger smiled and waved his blue crystal staff, and my clothes appeared over my body. This couldn’t have been real. Slightly unnerved now, I switched on the coffee making machine, and smelt the gentle aroma of the beans fill the living room. The stranger’s hood seemed to twitch, and it slid off his head.. He sighed, and pulled his hood over his head again.
“What is that marvelous scent?” He sniffed at the air again, and stood up. He walked slowly towards me, and took the cup from my hand. He looked at it, and his eyes widened. “Some accursed drink perhaps? To bewitch a person? It looks and smells like the envy of distilled evil...” He picked up the drink. “But I always enjoy a good challenge...to Shiva’s health.” He smiled, and sipped at the black steaming drink that was so alien to him. He winced at first, but quickly finished his drink.
“Like it? It’s called coffee...I made it...like my brother used to...”I sensed that he was not from around here. A tear welled up in my eye, but I quickly shook it away. “Anyway...” The stranger stopped me.
“This is some kind of herbal remedy, I presume?” He took his hood off and showed me his face. It was the black and blue face of a jackal. The hand holding the cup slowly morphed into a paw, and he smiled. His voice became darker all of a sudden. “Well...I can see you miss your brother...why not make another cup of this herbal...draft and we’ll have a nice long talk.” He sat down on the sofa again, smiling. “I am fatigued after such a long journey, and it is in your honor to put down a show of hospitability.” I complied, handing him another cup. “Your good health.” He raised the cup in a cheer.

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