Aug 3, 2008


We all love him. Who is he? None other than Kenneth. As long as all of you don't tell him my blog you can rant here. We tested aluminium artillery. We strted with buckshot. Progressed to BB pellets. (Not boys Brigade, I'm a gun fanatic.) Then on to throwing .22 bullets at him, and he threw some at Samuel.( Donno why either) Soon became aluminium foil balls before finally moving on to a aluminium aeroplane. I guess coz he's a vampire of some sort, but it would be insulting to vampires, expensive for us, and wasted on Kenneth should we have used silver, so Aluminium did the job. Thank god for aluminium foil. ZCY got angry and anyhow bomb in class.
Z is for zzz... thats what we do in class
C is for crap thats what she teaches
Y is for why RI hasn't fired her yet
and together is ZCY. Also, went to participate in a friendly "How much can you write in one hour" competition on the forum. Kinda fun. Managed 20k words with an actual plotline. Of course, it was done by a program that we have that anticipates what you're gonna write, like a handphone dictionary. Also, it had an average of 6 grammatical errors per paragraph. If anyone wants to read it(I hope not) tag the board with your request. I won't even bother to clean the errors up. Anyone know a cure for typing thi;s instead of thi's?

Signing off,
An Undisclosed Reader. (You all know me by now.)

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