Aug 23, 2008


Sleep, glorious sleep, glorious Haven't slept in two days for the Sashi marathon. Since Sashi is quite long, it will be on my alternate story blog without private access. The ten of us are MsNing each other like hell for the story. Anyway, this blog will no longer contain any stories, except for the ones already on here, and new ones that are nice to read. The sex will be on the eons, and most of the time, the sex will involve eons. Which is why that's my theme anyways. Sashi is currently 239509 words long, longer than Harry Potter. The ten of us are trying to win the longest story competition. Now about my life. Nothing much happened. Apparently I ponned debates for cash(or lack thereof). There haven't been any pics lately, coz I'm so dead. Anyway, if you play Granado Espada, tell me. I'll meet you. I use a server break to have two accounts on the same server, Carravaggio. They're AmenRa and Sonofa respectively. AmenRa is lv 12 family, Sonofa is lv 5. Have fun and hope for more good stuff soon. To sleep. Oh Yeah. Anyone who wonders who Sashi is, she's the espeon with the black underwear. Well, in the story she doesn't wear underwear. And she's perfectly innocent until chapter...i dunno...two. Then she goes downhill like crap.

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