Aug 4, 2008


Because Mr. Tan is gonna be reading this because of some undisclosed person on my links page, I'm gonna do something different. I actually went to spam poetry.
How I remember when we first met…
Your eyes… your smile…
Makes me think about the fact
That you are not here.
Why did I have to loose you?
Why couldn’t I fight?
I know you would fought for me,
Had the lines been drawn.

Now I sit in despair, waiting for an answer, hoping for a prayer.
But the fact is…
That no matter how hard I try,
All I can do is hope.
Hope that I will still find you well.

I remember how things started…
Just partners, just friends!
But I never realized,
Just how much I would care.
I made a promise,
And I failed…
Now you’re gone.
but I will find you! Even if you are in the ends of this earth!

Your smile, your voice, your eyes. All hunt me; sleep or awake.
Why did I not fight harder like you did?
But that is one mistake, I will soon not repeat!
Wait for me; because I’m coming, coming for you…

I never realized just how close we would get, judging from the world,
No one thought the same.
we were a pair in a million, unbreakable, inseparable
There was nothing we couldn’t face, nothing we couldn’t fight.


Here I am, aching, searching, and trying to find out
How did things go so wrong?
Why did things turn into this nightmare?
How could I have loss you?
Why couldn’t I save you?
Why must I suffer so?

Now I have nothing, nothing but pain..
I will forever search the world for you; I will go where no one has gone before!
I will find you! No matter how much I must fight! No matter how much I must suffer!
No matter how much I must pay…

I made a promise, and I intend to keep it…
Nothing will stop me! Not even death.

I remember when we first met…
I made a promise that day…
A promise, that I intend to keep…
A blood oath, that I intend to uphold…
A sacrifice, well worth the wait…
I promised that I would always be there…

I made a promise that I intend to keep..
Nothing will stop me…
Not even death…
This… I SWEAR!
I am the wanderer that roams the night
Filling your walks with dread and fright!
I am the darkness in your heart
Slowly consuming every part of your sight.

I am the one who rides in the Maelstrom
Feeding from the very soul of the chaos
I am come to thee in swift wings
Never saw me coming, you could never plead!

Tuck your children for the night
Tell them their stories filled with happiness and joy
Because come midnight, I will ride
None escapes my Wrath!

Feel your shadow stab you in the back
Your heart fill with dread
Your soul fills with lead
You can’t escape from me
I am the rider, I am your Fear!

They say there are only four
They have miscounted, grave mistake!
For I am the one that one knows
I am the unknown killer
I am shrouded death
I am the ancient evil
I am primal Death!

Feel you hands shake with dread
Knowing you life is about to end!
Feel your lungs fill with the stench of death
The last thing you’ll ever inhale!

I am the fifth!
Forgotten, but still here!
I am the evil that hunts your mind
I am the evil that hunts your eyes!
I’ve lived within you since your birth
Always waiting for your soul to rest

I am the primal killing troll!
I am the dragon who eats souls!
I am the hound from hell’s domain

Look all around you, and you will see me
Waiting, for that day to come
The day, I ride again!
The day I kill again!

Don’t worry, don’t fret
I live in you, always been there
I wait for the day that you finally see
Those humans are all free game to be killed!

I am the fifth!
Forgotten, but still here!
I am the evil who lives at night
I am the crazy psychological man
I am the magi-logic of your day!
With you till your own death!

Now come and bend over, show me your black soul!
Show me the reason why I still live, show me the reason why I still live
No human can survive without me, because I am the outmost primal sense in your head!
Come and let me free once again, give me the sources to ride again!
You can’t escape from what you cannot see; you cannot kill that which you cannot see!
You have no choice, you have no hope, and sooner or later I will rise! It’s only a matter of time till I am once more, the dominant feeling in your filthy soul!

So… sleep…eat… laugh…enjoy…
It’s only a matter of time… till the fifth rides once more. When that day comes, you will finally see, that it was useless to run, useless to hide, useless to plead. The fifth horseman is you! And what are you?
Hehehehehehehe! I suggest you evolve.
Look at me!
What have I done?
My blood
It flows
It rains
It drifts
Yet you look at it
And find out what I am
No matter how much you scream
No matter how much you beg
My blood will forever remain Dark…

Not ice
Not fire
Not acid
Not oil
My blood is dark
Dark as the night
Dark as the pits of hell!

Not long ago
My blood was red
But one day
I said to myself
“What if…”
And before I knew it
My soul was no longer mine!
My black soul burned and scorched in hell
But good old Lucy made me a deal
“Go forth and prove yourself, go show me what your black soul can do! And I will reward you for all eternity!”
All I did was shout into the heavens
“From this day forth, my blood shall be dark! I will poison the souls of those I touch! Wherever I go will taste the power of my soul! It shall rain blood! All shall burn! All shall suffer! All shall kneel! I am YOUR MASTER! I AM YOUR GOD!!!”

Now you will all come down to suffer, bow before you new master! Give me all that you hold dear, everything must come to me! Show me you arm, show me your heart, I will imprint upon you my mark! Like cattle to the butcher you shall walk, Dammed till eternities Dawn!

Now I sit upon a throne, made of the bones all those I broke! No one stands before my wrath, for I am the master of your life! I control your every dream, I command your every nightmare, for I am the sandman in your eyes, and I am the demon in your heart!

I am Armageddon!
I am apocalypse!
I am pestilence!
I am death!
I am suffering!
I am Pain!
I am the devil
I am LUCIFER!!!!

Kneel before your new master!
Show me your arm and your heart!
I will imprint upon you my mark!
Bow before your new god!

The world belongs to me; no one dares to step in my fields
Yet I can’t help but feel like something’s coming
The savior that I so hate
I waited for him for too long
He never came, he never heard
I prayed to him when I was human
Now look what he made me!
I am nothing but his creation
Nothing but his twisted word
I am his shadow
I am the antichrist!

He came, he saw, he conquered
Death became my real name
I now lay burning in my own damnation
If only I had never fled
My blood is dark for all eternity
That I can never change
But one thing I can sits in front of me


From now on, I am your master
From now on, I am your god
From now on, I am your messiah
Form now on, I AM HELL!!

And my blood still remains Dark!
And Dark shall it remain for all eternity!!!!
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Today we stand in this square, Ready to witness the end
The end to someone who calls himself a king!
He took everything from us all!
Plunged us deep into a fruitless war!
He made our nation the most hated!
Now he will pay, with interest included!
But first, I want to hear from the people
Now don’t be afraid! Scream it out loud!
What do you thing we should do?
What do you do think He should feel?

Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!


Look at you, down on you pride
Seeing all that you once had, taken away!
How does it feel? How does it taste?
Now that you have nothing to call your own but death?

Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!

You should had had more respect
For the things that you had then!
Now you that you where wrong, everything’s gone
But it is too late to be sorry for yourself!

Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!

You ruled with an iron fist!
Never gave any mercy, even to me!
You killed for pleasure!
You took from the poor!
You wretched fishmonger!
How many wives did you kill?

Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!

Now how does it feel? To have nothing left?
All those who worshiped you now spit in your face!
It holds true what the elders once said
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall!”

Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!

Do you hear that?
Do you her their shouts?
What are they saying? What do they want?
Oh yeah I forgot! They come for one purpose

Now people! Scream it to the world! Tell the world what you want
And don’t hold back your true feelings, this is time of reckoning! This is the time to show guts!


Do you hear that?
Those are your people
All screaming for your execution!
It must hurt to know for sure
That their hatred was fostered by none other than you!

Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!

Now prepare yourself, you brought judgment upon your own head! with your deeds and actions you destroyed our nation, now you’ll pay with for all transactions! Look at your people, how they despise you! Never really though about them in the first place huh? Well you know what happens, when you have an Unhappy nation!
Your blood is not worthy of this blade, you soul is not even worthy of hell! Your body will forever rot on Earth! now prepare to face your imminent demise! You will feel the flames that you used to cause so much harm! you will feel the flames of your reign, if only you had done some good for it then!
I stand before you, not as your brother
But as your judge, jury, and EXECUTIONER!


Today will go down in history as the day the people stood up, the day that it all came to an end, the day that this nation could once again be free from tyranny and death! I stand before you brothers and sisters with a promise, that this nation will never again suffer for idiotic political Ideals! That no one will suffer the wrath of war, no one will suffer the misjudgment of a fool! I promise from this day forth, that all those who wish to be kings

Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!

And so, it all ends, no more kings to blame. As it turns out, he was only half of the real problem, should have know from the start, that you can’t kill a roach nest, by burning a single one. I was a fool to believe, that evil died with out ‘dear’ king. I now stand before you, not as an enforcer, but as a victim of my own judgment. I was a fool to believe. That evil died with our king.

Now… I… too… must… BURN!!!

Emotional. I want to use this but...anyone who wants to use this for their english must acknowledge me for sthe source. I forbid you to steal it for your own.

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